Five-figure settlement for local man after road traffic accident

Five-figure settlement for a local man in his early 30s after a road traffic accident left him with permanent minor neck and back symptoms from whiplash.

Following what seemed like a minor rear-end collision, our client was left with permanent symptoms in his neck and lower back after being hit from behind by another vehicle whilst stationary in traffic.

Mr. Jackson was on his way home from work, traveling along a main road in Plymouth. He was not far from home and as he came around a bend in the road, the traffic was stationary. He stopped behind the stationary traffic but unfortunately, the car behind him did not stop and drove into the back of his car and he was shunted forward. After driving home, he noticed he had pain in his neck, back and shoulder and attended the local hospital where he was checked over and told he had “whiplash”.

Mr. Jackson’s whiplash injuries

For the first couple of weeks, his neck was very stiff, but symptoms then started to ease. However, they never went completely. The pain in the lower back started following the accident and has been present ever since.  The severity eased over time but he was always aware of symptoms. Prior to the accident, Mr. Jackson had always enjoyed good health with no problems with his neck or back.

Mr. Jackson worked full-time in a manual job and had to take a few weeks off following the accident.  When he returned to work his colleagues would help him out as lifting would aggravate his back. He also found playing with his young children difficult.

Liability was admitted

Liability was admitted by the Defendant’s insurers at an early stage in the claim. Following the obtaining of an expert’s report, physiotherapy treatment was recommended. We wrote to Defendant’s insurers requesting an interim payment so that Mr. Jackson could have private treatment. Mr. Jackson was seen by a physiotherapist, which the Defendant’s insurers funded, but unfortunately, his lower back and neck pain continued to be a nuisance. He found that he continued to have a permanent niggling feeling in his neck and back and his symptoms persisted.

How were we able to help?

What was initially thought to be a relatively minor road traffic collision with straightforward whiplash injuries turned out to be much more problematic for Mr Jackson. He was not assisted in his recovery due to the nature of his employment which involved him having to work in a manual capacity, spending long hours leaning forward exacerbating his back and neck pain
— Marie Oxland, who represented our client in her claim

Further medical evidence was obtained after physiotherapy treatment which confirmed that although the neck symptoms had plateaued and were unlikely to change substantially, these would be minor in nature and should not interfere with Mr. Jackson’s day-to-day life. The back symptoms were expected to improve further, so that by three years after the accident any symptoms which were present at that time although likely to be permanent, again would be classed as nuisance value and should not interfere with day-to-day activities. With strength and conditioning exercises, the orthopedic surgeon was optimistic that Mr. Jackson would manage his symptoms well.

Have you had a severe road traffic accident? Find out more about how our specialist Personal Injury team can help you.


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