£10,000 compensation for Mrs. R following a fall in a shop in Plymouth

Our specialist Personal Injury team helped a local Plymouth lady, Mrs. R, receive £10,000 in compensation.

The fall in the retail store resulted in her breaking her knee.

wet floor sign

Fall in a shop

Mrs R had been visiting a store in Plymouth town centre, on her usual shopping rounds with her husband. Unfortunately, she suddenly slipped over on what appeared to be some orange juice. Upon slipping, Mrs R landed on her left knee, breaking it in the process. On top of the pain this caused, Mrs R was not able to walk for some time following the accident. She underwent physiotherapy for her injury.

Who was liable?

The Defendant did not have an adequate or suitable system of floor inspection, despite being a large retail chain with a heavy footfall of over 1500 customers per day.

The store inspections were only made three times per day, once at 6:30am, before the store had opened, once between 8am-8-15am and once between2pm-3pm. There was no regular system of inspection during the day. And there was no evidence from the Defendants that members of staff were adhering to a ‘clean as you go’ policy. The inadequate inspection of the store failed to identify the spillage on the floor, which led to our client’s injury. Had the store had an adequate system of inspection throughout the day, considering the large footfall, then the orange juice on the floor would likely have been identified and removed. In all likelihood, our client’s injury could therefore, have been avoided.
— Marie Oxland, who represented our client in her claim

How were we able to help?

Before the accident, Mrs.R enjoyed shopping 3 or 4 times a week with her husband. She also loved playing with her grandchildren, aged 4, 3, and under 1 year of age. Thankfully, Mrs. R’s knee has now gone on to heal well enough that she is able to go shopping again with her husband. She’s also able to visit, hold and play with her grandchildren.  

Mrs. R agreed to an out-of-Court settlement of £10,000 with the retailer to cover damages. This covered her injury, physiotherapy treatments, traveling expenses, and damaged clothing. It also covered the care and assistance provided by her husband following the accident.

What does Mrs. R think of Nash & Co Solicitors?

Using our firm for the first time, Mrs. R and her husband have described the service provided by Marie Oxland and our Personal Injury team as professional and efficient. They have also mentioned how pleased they were that we kept them fully informed of any developments in their case.

We cannot speak highly enough of our experience with Marie. And for the highly professional way in which our case was dealt with. We would unreservedly recommend this company
— Mrs. R (Google Review)

Have you had a slip, trip or a fall in a shop, or a public place? Find out more about how our specialist Personal Injury team can help you.


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