
Nash & Co Solicitors is recognised for understanding our clients’ business and personal matters, in-depth knowledge, experience, and cost-effective representation. Our Insights draw on the experience and expertise of our lawyers and experts.

Trusts Nash & Co Solicitors Trusts Nash & Co Solicitors

Own a rental property? Want to save tax? Read on…

It’s often said that the only certainties in life are death and taxes but, while taxes may be a certainty, the amount of tax you pay isn’t set in stone. Effective tax planning can be used to ensure that your tax liability is minimised.

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Trusts Nash & Co Solicitors Trusts Nash & Co Solicitors

Give it away, give it away, give it away now!

If gifting a buy-to-let to let property, shares or investments is something that you are considering you might want to make that gift sooner rather than later!

A gift of a property shares or investments is considered a disposal for Capital Gains tax purposes which means that even though you don’t receive any money from the person receiving the property, Capital Gains tax can still arise.

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Lasting Power of Attorney Nash & Co Solicitors Lasting Power of Attorney Nash & Co Solicitors

How can I maintain my business in the event I’m no longer able to make decisions?

If you are a business owner or director considering what might happen to your business if you were unexpectedly away or unable to make decisions, it may seem like an unlikely eventuality. In today’s climate, there could be a number of situations which mean you are not able to run your business as you would normally.

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Family, Children Nash & Co Solicitors Family, Children Nash & Co Solicitors

Family Friendly Lawyers - is there such a thing?

The majority of family lawyers can safely say that they entered the profession in order to help unhappy people out of unhealthy situations. Family Law involves assisting people when they feel at their most vulnerable. When you feel stressed, upset and aggrieved, sensible decision making may not be at the forefront of your mind and this is why it is really important that you are properly supported from the outset.

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Family, Children Nash & Co Solicitors Family, Children Nash & Co Solicitors

Is step-parent adoption right for my family?

With a change in the modern day family dynamic, devoted step-parents are recognised as an integral part of a child's life, providing love, support, and care every step of the way. Introducing: step-parent adoption. Step-parent adoption offers the opportunity for this nurturing relationship to be legally recognised, granting you the legal status of parent.

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Family, Divorce Nash & Co Solicitors Family, Divorce Nash & Co Solicitors

What happens if I start a new relationship after separation but before I am divorced?

It is not unusual for clients to tell us that, since separating from their spouse, they have met someone else and have started a new relationship. Parties cannot put their life on hold while the divorce process is underway, but it is important that the implications of being in a new relationship are understood.

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Family Nash & Co Solicitors Family Nash & Co Solicitors

The rising Popularity of Nuptial Agreements

Any Britney fan and especially one who is a family lawyer, will have seen the news of her marriage breakdown and hoped that she had a Pre-Nuptial Agreement.

The law relating to Nuptial Agreements in America is different from that in England & Wales but the popularity of Nuptial Agreements in this jurisdiction continues to rise.

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Wills, Lasting Power of Attorney Nash & Co Solicitors Wills, Lasting Power of Attorney Nash & Co Solicitors

Why can’t I come in?

Writing a Will or Power of Attorney can sometimes be a daunting time and many families come along to an appointment to support a loved one, only to find themselves being left in a waiting room. There are lots of reasons why you might be asked to leave a meeting or stay in a waiting room whilst a relative is seen alone by their lawyer. Here are some of the common reasons your relative might need to be seen alone.

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Wills Wills

THINK! (about your Will)

The ongoing saga of Aretha Franklin’s estate raises two keys points that any person who is creating a Will should keep in the forefront of their mind; How do I make sure my Will is valid? and How do I make sure my Will is found?

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Common causes and consequences of motorcycle accidents

If you’re a motorcycle rider you’ll know only too well how vulnerable you can be on British roads. It’s an extremely unfortunate situation, that motorcycle accidents have become a common occurrence on our roads, whether those are city streets or country lanes. These accidents happen more frequently than you might imagine and dealing with their aftermath can often feel overwhelming.

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The legal implications of motorcycle accidents

Motorcycle accidents can take a toll in more ways than one. They're don’t just involve physical injuries, but they can be psychologically and emotionally draining as well. In addition, when it comes to looking to claim compensation for an accident that wasn’t your fault, they come with a suite of complex legal implications that can feel a bit like a jigsaw puzzle. This is even more draining when you're already having to deal with managing your recovery.

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Wills Wills

All my Children

It is common for a Will to state that all or part of estate is left to ‘my children’ or ‘such of my children who survive me’ but has this phrasing become old-fashioned? Does ‘my children’ accurately reflect the individuals that you wish to inherit from your estate or is this an example of the law failing to appreciate the modern family?

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Wills Wills

The pitfalls of a homemade Will

The main purpose of a Will is so you can choose who should inherit from your estate. Dealing with the affairs of a loved one who has died can be an incredibly difficult time and therefore to make this job as easy and as stress free as possible for those left behind, the best thing you can do is to ensure you have a Will in place.

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Commercial Property Nash & Co Solicitors Commercial Property Nash & Co Solicitors

Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) are changing.

Currently, to let a commercial property, the rating must be an EPC E or above. This has been the case since 1 April 2018 as the PRS Regulations 2015 made it unlawful for Landlords to grant a new tenancy of a property with an EPC below E in scope with the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (hereinafter called ‘MEES’). That is, unless an exemption applies and has been validly registered.

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