We obtained £42,500 in compensation for a client following a road traffic accident

We obtained £42,500 in compensation for a client following a head-on collision road traffic accident. She suffered from severe neck pain and the loss of her sense of taste and smell.

Marie Oxland from our specialist Personal Injury team oversaw a £42,500 compensation claim for a Cornish lady. Mrs. C had a head-on collision accident that had a serious impact on her day-to-day life.

Head on car crash

What happened?

Mrs. C was driving along a winding country road. She drove around the corner, when the Defendant, approaching from the opposite direction, lost control of their car and drove headlong into her car. The vehicles were not traveling particularly fast, but the impact caused her airbags to explode in her face.

What were Mrs. C’s injuries?

Mrs. C suffered from severe neck pain following the accident. However, later, she realised this was not the only injury that she had suffered.

9 times out of 10, clients who are involved in accidents will concentrate on their physical pain and not realise that they have suffered other potential injuries, such as the loss of one of their senses. Mrs C was one of these clients. She did not realise initially that she had lost her sense of taste and smell.
— Marie Oxland, who represented our client in her claim

How was Mrs. C affected?

Further medical evidence was obtained after physiotherapy treatment which confirmed that although the neck symptoms had plateaued and were unlikely to change substantially, these would be minor in nature and should not interfere with Mr. Jackson’s day-to-day life. The back symptoms were expected to improve further, so that by three years after the accident any symptoms which were present at that time although likely to be permanent, again would be classed as nuisance value and should not interfere with day-to-day activities. With strength and conditioning exercises, the orthopedic surgeon was optimistic that Mr. Jackson would manage his symptoms well.

How did we help?

We helped our client obtain specialist medical evidence. This confirmed that irreparable nerve damage had been caused to the olfactory nerves in her nose. In turn, this resulted in total loss of smell, and the ability to taste.

One particular occasion really frightened Mrs. C. She was at her place of work, a local shop when a customer came in and immediately asked what the burning smell was. Mrs. C had been in the store alone and had not detected the smell. When they investigated, they found that one of the fridges had caught fire. If it had not been found, the consequences could have been horrendous. Her biggest concern after this incident was that if she had been at home alone or with her grandchildren, she would not have detected a fire.

In Mrs. C’s claim for compensation, we included the cost of purchasing special devices that would detect potential hazards in her home, such as leaking gas or fires, which otherwise she would not be able to smell. After receiving her compensation, and purchasing the devices, Mrs. C feels much safer in her home alone, as well as when her grandchildren visit, as she is now able to detect the hazards by using the devices.

Have you had a severe road traffic accident? Find out more about how our specialist Personal Injury team can help you.


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